FUNDRAISING Gravity GALA!! April 12th! In Liberty Lake, WA!

Get your Tickets now before they sell out! Early Bird Discounts! Get Them HERE--->

Have we gotten you excited for our new groundbreaking initiative?

We hope so!

If you are wondering how you can help support SPOKANE INNER PEACE PARK in becoming a reality for Spokane, here are some ways you can help, buying some of our awesome optimistic apparel, is one way! Or looking to make a greater impact?

If you think you can help us with any of the below, please drop us line!


This innovative project will be free of cost to most people.

This is based on a sliding scale based on their income. Our goal is to make the park free for most people based on the scale.

Please support us by clicking on the QR Code

We are also looking for in kind donations, we need supplies, contractors and a 7k sq ft building or larger. Please contact if you would like to sponsor or be a donor- [email protected]

"Oh My Gosh! This is so needed for Spokane! I can barely afford the indoor play places in town. My kids and I need a place like this! I can't wait for this to open. I know my teen will be stoked for teen nights! She will get a chance to wear cute clothes and socialize, rather than sit on a screen. Why hasn't this been done sooner!"- Sue from Newport.

"I am in a mom group and we were just discussing how Spokane needs an indoor play cafe or space for parents to take their kids in winter. The early darkness gives us the winter blues and depression! It is a real thing. I am over the moon excited for this park to open!- Beth , Spokane South Hill

"Support This People! This is so huge for our community!"- Alex- Spokane



Curie Level


Inspired by Marie Curie, pioneer of radioactivity.

Galileo Level


Honoring Galileo Galilei, the father of modern astronomy.

Tesla Level


Named after Nikola Tesla, inventor and electrical engineering genius.

Newton Level


Recognizing Sir Isaac Newton, who revolutionized physics.

Darwin Level


Inspired by Charles Darwin, whose work shaped our understanding of life.

Einstein Level


Honoring Albert Einstein, the mind behind relativity.

Hawking Level


Paying tribute to Stephen Hawking, who explored the mysteries of the cosmos.

What Parents Are Saying...